New to knitting?

Are you a knitting newbie? Need to learn the basics? There are many excellent sites around that explain the basic techniques of knitting far better than Woolly can. These instructional sites include easy-to-follow images and videos. Woolly especially recommends Learn 2 Knit, Craft Expert, Basic Knitting Skills, My Craft Book, Knitting videos and The Knitting Site videos.

Have fun!

Friday, 25 July 2008

I love bargain bins!

I took a wander into town today, and popped into the local branch of Shaw's the Drapers. I tend to buy most of my everyday yarns from there, and was delighted to discover a bargain bin, containing 1oo gram balls of DK yarn for 50p each. I managed to grab sufficient balls of black wool, all from the same dye lot, to make a sweater and a few accessories - all for just £3. Okay, so it's not premium yarn, but it'll do for a few everyday garments. I also bought a lovely light grey marl yarn, which I hope to make a jacket from, with a really pretty blackberry stitch edging.

At the moment, I'm working on a very simple, garter stitch cardigan. I just need to finish the right front, before putting it all together and knitting the edging. I hope to be wearing it by Monday! As soon as it's done, I'll hunt down my camera lead, and post pics. Now, where did I put those buttons ...

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